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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Property and Safety Tips For the Summer

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

The summer heat brings its own risks.  To help limit the risk of property damage and stay safe next season, there are several preventative measures that you can take.


Mold grows where moisture lies.  Clean moisture-prone areas often to help eliminate bacteria, such as around the windows and shower.  To help prevent moisture or a water leak after a storm, seal any cracks in your windows and doors.


Before grilling, first check for any leaks.  Maintain at least ten feet between the cooking area and any trees or bushes.  Clean the grilling surface often, removing any grease, fat or cooking oils that can potentially cause a fire.

Air Conditioning Systems

Have your system inspected before starting it up for the season.  If a duct cleaning hasn’t been performed in over seven years, we recommend this service to clear your air vents of any dirt and particles that would otherwise circulate through your home with the cool air.

For window units, dirt and debris should be removed to help prevent the risk of fire damage.  Clean them of any condensation, and ensure that rain will not drip onto any electrical wires.  Change the filters once per month.  Turn the units off when they are not needed; overuse can cause the system to overheat. 

Hurricane Season

Hurricane season continues!  Have an evacuation plan prepared for your family or business.  An emergency kit should be readily available and stocked with items such as non-perishable food, water, flashlights, blankets, and a portable radio.  Always listen for updates on a storm and for when it is safe to venture out.

Prepare your business for the worst!  SERVPRO of Kennett Square/Oxford offers the Emergency READY Profile for property and business owners.  This is a free building assessment complete with all critical property and emergency contact details in the event of a disaster.  We provide these free of charge to our local businesses!

Holiday Safety

When setting off fireworks, keep them away from any structures or trees.  Keep a hose or bucket of water nearby in case of a fire.  Do not relight or touch fireworks that haven’t ignited.

Should you suffer a fire, water or storm damage event this summer, SERVPRO of Kennett Square/Oxford provides immediate restoration services to the local area.  Our team of professionals will assess the damage, determine the best course of action and work with you every step of the way while we restore your property to preloss conditions.

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